Installfest: Getting Set Up =========================== ## Requirements Everyone in the workshop should have a laptop. If it is running Windows, it should be running Windows 7 or above. If it is running OS X, it should be running 10.7 "Lion" or above. If it is running Linux, you are probably fine. If anyone attending does not have access to a laptop running one of the above choices, let the instructors know. You can either pair with someone else, or we can provide a virtual machine that you can run if you have a laptop. ## What we are installing By the end of these instructions, you will have the following installed: * Java, a "virtual machine" that Clojure runs atop of * Leiningen, a tool for running Clojure programs * Light Table, an editor for Clojure and other programming languages * The Heroku Toolbelt, a program for putting your Clojure application on the web * Git, a program for managing your program's code, which is included in the Heroku Toolbelt * An Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client And you will have: * Created a ````ssh```` key (the public part of which will be uploaded to github and heroku) * Copied the example chat application with ````git clone```` * Pushed your copy of the chat application to heroku * Joined the ```````` IRC channel ## Instructions by operating system Choose your operating system to get setup instructions: * [OS X]( * [Windows 7]( * [Windows 8]( * [Ubuntu Linux]( Alternatively you my try the new setup instructions (_experimental_): * [ClojureBridge Setup](