ClojureBridgeMN Agenda for Friday November 4, 2016

Join us at Object Parters from 5pm - 8pm

Click here for a map to Object Partners
Object Partners
1515 Central Avenue NE, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55413

We’ll welcome you at the door so you can sign-in, customize your badge and pickup a lanyard.


The goal of the Installfest is to ensure all the software you need for the workshop is installed and ready to go. We do this separately from the workshop because it can sometimes be tricky. Don’t worry – we’ll have plenty of volunteers who are ready to help!

See the detailed instructions on the Installfest page.


We will provide pizza, salad, and soft drinks (& beer for those 21+)

In addition to getting ready for the workshop this is a great chance to meet the other students and volunteers.

Don’t forget to bring your badge back on Saturday!!!